Ryan and Jackie, with their five daughters (Taia 19, Tessa 16, Aila 13, Avry 10 & Isly 8) have devoted their lives to following the Way of Jesus and building every area of their home upon it. In both the beauties and hardships of real life Ryan and Jackie have come to know through personal experience that Jesus truly does work for everything and now passionately work to serve others into knowing Jesus as the Way, Truth, and Life in their unique stories. Their heart for Christ's Church is that it would be a community worthy of bearing the name of Jesus that is safe for the desperate, holds to Scripture while healing the shattered, reveres the Great Tradition while feeding the soul-starved, and equips the saints to reach and serve the Island. In addition to leading Christ's Church with Ryan Jackie runs a counselling practice serving clients both within Oceanside and across Canada.
The People’s Warden advocates for the people of the congregation. This includes representing the insights, needs and concerns of the community (with confidentiality and anonymity if necessary), as well as communicating leadership decisions to Christ's Church.
The Pastor’s Warden is responsible to oversee the Priest’s well being, and participates in stewarding the vision of Christ's Church.
Honourary Asssociates are retired ministers who continue to serve Christ's Church in a volunteer capacity.